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Court Proceedings
How are documents prepared?
Documents are created and saved in a portable document formal (PDF) prior to being filed.
How can I add a secondary e-mail address?
Log into CM/ECF
On the blue bar at the top of the screen, click on the word Utilities
Click on Maintain Your E-mail
Click on Add new e-mail address under the secondary e-mail addresses
Submit all changes
You should receive a page that contains the update was successful
How can I change my username or password?
Log into your PACER account by visiting and clicking on "Manage My Account" in the top right corner of the webpage.
Under the "Settings" tab, click on Change Username or Change Password
Enter the current password, then your new password, where prompted. Click submit.
How do I add additional attorneys to a case?
To add an attorney to an existing case, log in using the attorney’s PACER username and password and file an Entry of Appearance
How do I change my contact information?
Log into your PACER account by visiting and clicking on "Manage my Account" in the top right corner of the webpage.
Under the "Maintenance" tab, click on the item you wish to update, i.e., Update Personal Information, Update Address Information, Update E-Filer Email Noticing and Frequency).
If changing your personal information, type in your name as you'd like it to be displayed in the court's records and click Submit.
If changing your address information, update the fields as you'd like them to be displayed in the court's records. Type in the box "Reason for Update". Check if the address update applies to the entire firm. Apply update to "All Cases". Under Apply Updates to Selected Courts, click the addresses you'd like to be updated, i.e., PACER Billing, all Appellate, District, and Bankruptcy Court in which you are admitted, and then click Submit.
If changing your E-Filer Email Noticing and Frequency, click the boxes next to the courts you'd like to be updated. Type in your new e-mail address (or existing e-mail address if all you are updating is the frequency and format). Select the Frequency with which you'd like to receive NEFs. Select the Email Format (note that "Text" does not mean you will receive text messages). Click Submit.
How do I file electronically?
Attorneys log on to the court’s ecf program by using their PACER username and password
Click on Civil or Criminal
Choose the event for the document being filed
Select the party filing the document
Browse and upload or file the document
Verify the wording of the docket entry
Submit the docket entry
How do I know my document was filed and how is notification transmitted to the other parties?
The ecf program sends an electronic receipt (NEF) to the filer verifying the document has been received and filed.
Electronic notification goes to all parties whoare signed up for cm/ecf (Any party who is not signed up for ecf must be notified by mail by the filing party. The certificate of service on the document must state how the parties are being served).
The docket sheet is updated and is immediately available to anyone with access to the system.
Viewing Restricted documents
You must be logged in to CM/ECF when viewing restricted documents. If you do not log in with your PACER credentials, CM/ECF will not know who you are and will not recognize you as a authorized user.
What are the ecf filing requirements for attorneys?
Attorneys must be admitted to practice in the Eastern District of Missouri or otherwise granted e-filing access through PACER. Click here for more information
What is NEF?
NEF stands for Notice of Electronic Filing. It is the notice that is generated and e-mailed when an entry is made on the docket.
What is the number I call for ECF assistance?
The Help Desk Telephone number is 314-244-7650 and is available Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You may also call the Clerk’s Office at 314-244-7900.
When should documents be filed in paper form by attorneys?
Attorneys must have prior approval from the Clerk or the Chief Deputy Clerk before filing documents in paper form. (Any document or exhibit filed in paper form must be served on all parties in paper form and the certificate of service must state how service was made)